We make quality-focused web & interactive experiences, branding, and creative solutions that both add value to your organization and reflect your brand’s messaging. Whether you’re just getting started with a new idea, or are already well into your journey, we’ve got the skills, the drive, and the team to serve all of your needs.



$ 199
  • 3 Pages
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Responsive Design
  • Content Upload
  • Design Customization
  • E-commerce functionality
  • Friendly Slider Stunning Graphics
  • Free on Page SEO


$ 249
  • 7 Pages
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Responsive Design
  • Content Upload
  • Design Customization
  • E-commerce functionality
  • Friendly Slider Stunning Graphics
  • Free on Page SEO


$ 420
  • 15 Pages
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Responsive Design
  • Content Upload
  • Design Customization
  • E-commerce functionality
  • Friendly Slider Stunning Graphics
  • Free on Page SEO

What You Can Expect From Us

  • Once we receive your questionnaire and a scheduled meeting has been done, we’ll start building your website.
  • We’ll complete up to 4 revisions for the pages built.
  • We’ll install & configure all necessary plugins.
  • We’ll install analytics.
  • If you have a Facebook Pixel Tracking Code, we’ll install the code.
  • We’ll provide regular updates on the progress of the project.
  • A Beginner & Standard website takes approximately 4 – 7 days once all the elements have been received.
  • An e-commerce website takes approximately 7 – 14 days to complete once all the elements have been received.

What We Need From You

  • You’ll need to fill out a project questionnaire to help us get started. We can’t get started without it.
  • You’ll need to give us access to your existing website hosting server.
  • You’ll need to tell us where your existing website domain is registered.
  • You’ll need to provide all content for the website.
  • You’ll need to give us access to your Business’ Google Account if you have one.

Website Maintenance
Let Us Handle Your Website Maintenance While You Focus on Your Business

Affordable Website Maintenance ServicesFor Our Valued Customers

At Newmetageneration we understand that running a new business is a full-time job. That's why we offer website maintenance services to our valued customers. If we've created your website, we can also help you maintain it, so you can focus on what you do best - running your business. Our website maintenance services include software updates, security monitoring, weekly backups, and so much more as mentioned in our plans. With our team of experts handling your website maintenance, you can have peace of mind knowing that your website is in good hands.

For the Websites Created By our team


$ 29
  • Daily uptime monitoring
  • Weekly WordPress core updates
  • Weekly plugin updates
  • Weekly security scans
  • Monthly full site backup stored at 3rd party location
  • Monthly report
  • one time theme updates
  • one time website audit
  • Malware removal
  • Email & phone support


$ 50
  • Daily uptime monitoring
  • Weekly WordPress core updates
  • Weekly plugin updates
  • Weekly security scans
  • Monthly full site backup stored at 3rd party location
  • Monthly report
  • Quarterly theme updates
  • Quarterly website audit
  • Malware removal
  • Email & phone support


$ 70
  • Daily uptime monitoring
  • Monthly full site backup stored at 3rd party location
  • Weekly WordPress core updates
  • Weekly plugin updates
  • Weekly security scans
  • Monthly report
  • Quarterly theme updates
  • Quarterly website audit
  • Malware removal
  • Email & phone support


Personalized Service

Our personalized plans are exclusively designed for the websites we've created, helping our clients with affordable high quality maintenance plans.

Protection 24/7/365

We provide our clients with protection against malware and hack attacks. In the event of an unlikely hack attack, our technical team will ensure your WordPress website protection.

Dedicated team

Newmetageneration features a dedicated team of full-time designers and programmers devoted to website maintenance..

Regular Backups & Restore

Newmetageneration support team takes regular backups of your WordPress websites, so in case of a hack-attempt or malware injection, we can quickly restore your website.

No Contracts

We’re a true "no contract" service. Use us as often as you need us. You can cancel your service anytime no questions asked.

Support System

If you need a helping hand, technical issues, or simply a question regarding using your WordPress website, we can help.

Unlock Your Website's True Potential

Our comprehensive website audit will analyze every aspect of your site, ensuring it's fully optimized for success. From technical performance to user experience, we'll provide you with valuable insights and actionable recommendations. Find out now with our exclusive auditing and checking service for an unbeatable price of $1.99!

Frequently Asked Questions

Web design & development refers to the work involved in building and developing a site for the web. The scope of work depends on the size of the website being built, and can be as simple as a landing page or as complex as a major, thousand-page ecommerce site. Tasks commonly associated with web development include website design, content development, and website engineering. Generally, most development tasks have to do with the coding of a website.
Yes, all of our websites are built to be responsive. The only exceptions are special cases (things like art installations, interactive experiences, digital signage) where something is being built for a specific device.
We custom design websites from A to Z, based on the customer’s needs and goals for each project.
A website development company aids in and completes the process of site development. More specifically, they handle the design and coding of the site. A qualified development company will work with each client to assess their individual needs and make recommendations based on those needs and goals.
While it is possible to develop and build a website yourself, it’s recommended that you enlist the help of a qualified company or consultant. Hiring a development company will allow you to build a specialized site unique to your brand with all the new technology available. It will also allow you to gain a competitive edge and ensure your site is technically sound, not to mention save you considerable time.
This service does not include website hosting.
We can refresh the design of your existing website to enhance the areas you like about it and rework the areas that you think aren’t working as well. Tell your pro about your redesign goals when you fill out your project questionnaire.
As one of the vital assets in your business, it’s crucial to keep your website protected with no issues. If your website were to crash, be offline or be hacked, it could affect your revenue or customers. Scenario. You sell pet products online; you haven’t performed any updates on your site since it was developed; you don’t see it as an issue as the website seemed to be working ok with no problems. Then all of a sudden, you start getting popups and headers that have changed; they are offensive; you can no longer log in to the backend of the website to check to see what the issue is. You contact us, and we see your site has been hacked; the hackers have changed all the logins and passwords and have access to all your orders and payment details. This scenario sadly is real and happens more often than it should. We were able to recover the website from a previous backup that we had taken. However, the client lost over a year of website changes and added hours worth of work contacting their customers and performing brand crisis management to protect the business from losing customers and mitigate the damage. Their website wasn’t doing ok; it had slowly got slower, and lack of updates had left many vulnerabilities, but they had chosen a server that didn’t include any security or malware protection. The cheaper option sadly cost them greatly in the long term.
Our plans are customized to fit our customers' needs, which is why they're budget-friendly. As experts, we'll handle your website's technical aspects, leaving you free to focus on your business. Trust us for peace of mind, from design and development to maintenance.
Getting started is simple. After you purchase, you’ll fill out a short project questionnaire to give us the info we need to get started. Once the questionnaire is submitted, we will contact you within 1-2 business days to let you know we’re getting started or to ask you further clarifying questions if needed.

Our Guarantee

Satisfaction is our number one priority! If you are not happy, you will receive a 100% money back. This is why we stand high and remain the best place to buy all our serivces.

Privacy & Safety

We never ask your password or any private information. We recommend you to protect your password and don’t give it to anybody for your safety.

Services We Offer

High Quality Services

Get the best high quality services and in less time here. Satisfaction of our customers is most important to us. Gain desired outputs by choosing our services available at an affordable prices.

Fast Delivery

You’ll see results immediately. We don't just manage your accounts—we provide a full-funnel marketing strategy leveraging the best platforms and services to help you solve your biggest challenges and achieve your goals.

24/7 Support

Technical support for all our services 24/7 to help you. If you have some query, drop an email to our support team. We are delighted to assist you.

Secure Payments

We have a Popular methods as PayPal and many more can be enabled upon request.